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We've said time and again - search engine optimization is the key nowadays to gain desired traction in front of your customers. It's a two-rule governed world: you need to be online and you need to rank high in search results. But the process of doing so is not easy, especially from a time consumption angle: when blogging, for instance, you need to choose keywords you want to rank high for in search algorithms, then inbound linking must be taken into consideration, not to mention any possible Google Adwords strategy.

For users which are more experimented with SEO and want to get the most out of their websites, AutoLinker SEO Tool singles out one of those needs: automatically adding HTML links to website text.

AutoLinker SEO Tool homepage

AutoLinker SEO Tool homepage

It's a simple form tool, where you complete fields on text you want linked, URL to be inserted and keyword for targeting, and more specific aspects such as no-follow option. You then receive the HTML code afferent to your text available for pasting right into your website. As the team behind the tool put it, AutoLinker wants to be

The simplest way possible to add html links, nofollows, targets, and other SEO tactics to your content.

AutoLinker development team

The people behind AutoLinker are pros of SEO and deep linking, and a caveat of that is gaining access to a free SEO book once you subscribe to their one-email-per-month newsletter.


For idea novelty, we give them 3/5.

For design, we give them 3.5/5 (there isn't much you can improve on a simple form site like this one).

For user experience, we give them 3.5/5.

For potential to scale, we give them 3/5.


OVERALL GRADE: 3.25 out of 5. Let's put this in the toolbox and use it when and if necessary. Might come in handy for more seasoned professionals in the field, as an experiment.

Tag(s) : #product review

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