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Consultancy companies in the digital world are aiming to bundle as many services as possible in order to deliver a one-stop-shop experience for clients wanting to have as fewer design, branding and marketing connection as possible. As time goes by, these bundles increase to include more and more services, and this is the case of Missouri-based blu20.

Cheeky...very, very cheeky

Cheeky...very, very cheeky

blu20 has one of the largest array of services provided that we have seen for some time now. These include all you could possibly need for your product or brand, from media agency services to branding, strategy and even front-end and back-end development and app design / marketing strategies. Basically, the team takes you right from the early stages of your idea for a proposed new product or brand and funnels through right up to proper marketing of the final result.

Some examples of their work so far include collaboration with fitness and health brands or development of apps for IBM. The currently eleven-members team also run a blog on strategy & research, marketing, branding and web/apps deployment. Definitely worth checking them out if you plan on creating a powerful brand.

Tag(s) : #SEO, #Marketing

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