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Classified ads step into the social media age

The purpose of any ad is to create instant impact and opportunities for the vendor to sell the advertised product, service or campaign. But it's not always enough to have the best content to get the expect return-on-investment - placement is also important and can most of the times make or break the success of an ad. Sayist wants to capitalize on this, creating a new experience when buying a car, looking for a job or trying to rent an apartment.

Sayist allows users to post and search for classified ads with the capabilities of video, hash-tagging, social sharing and tracking posts. Sayist also promises to act socially responsible in putting a stop to the harmful personal dating and adult services ads. More on Sayist features here. iOS and Android versions of Sayist are coming soon, with only the website version currently active.

Sayist is a Seattle-based startup, established in 2015 by Bryan Brzeg, who has brought alongside him a team of insightful and passionate individuals with an aim to bring a better, richer ad experience. You can also follow their endeavors on Seattle Tech Blog.

Editor's Note: This is a promoted post - if you want to be mentioned on What's With?!, contact us via Fiverr, using the button on the right-hand side of the website.

Tag(s) : #product review

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